Shunda Energia Italiana is different from all other companies for 7 compelling reasons.

First: Shunda Energia Italiana is your Italian partner

  • Our PV modules guarantee the utilization of a smaller space with the same amount installed power, thanks to high conversion efficiencies.

  • Shunda Energia Italiana is synonymous with technological innovation, extremely high quality products, scientific research, experience and environmental awareness.

  • A widespread sales network which guarantees product continuity and offers technical expertise on the market.

  • The whole production chain is controlled by us and therefore we are able to offer complete PV systems, which start with single panels and include the entire range of accessories.

  • We offer specific solutions designed and patented according to the type and the place where the plant will be installed.

  • The products which carry the Shunda Italia brand, in addition to having obtained the IEC certification, are also TÜV approved. The latter is a symbol of high quality control and product safety. Furthermore, the products are part of the PV Cycle for waste disposal.

  • Maximum flexibility product kits intended for installers and resellers. These are modular solutions which are simple and easy to install, and are designed and organized for easy mounting and with the best configuration ductility.